Moles, Warts and Skin Tags

dermatology, Dr. Mark NestorMoles, warts and skin tags can be irritating and confusing. Fortunately, they do not necessarily represent health risks. However, many people do not even how they are different. Skin tags are soft flaps of skin on the surface, while moles are soft but located deeper in the skin, and warts are rough and also penetrate deep into the skin. An important difference between them is that warts are actually contagious, while moles and skin tags are not. You might even notice if you have moles or warts, that there is hair growing from them.

Moles, warts and skin tags can affect anyone. How they should be treated, however, varies in terms of urgency. Since warts indicate the presence of a virus, and they are contagious, it is advisable to get them treated as soon as possible. Moles should also be monitored to ensure that they do not change color, which could indicate that they have become cancerous. Skin tags can become a nuisance when they snag, bleed or become painful.

If you have moles, warts or skin tags, contact our office for an examination and an explanation of treatment options.