PhotoDynamic Therapy (PDT) is a safe, effective, non-surgical procedure used to treat a variety of skin conditions including acne, rosacea, sun-damage, scars, wrinkles, large pores, and actinic keratosis (Aks), an early potential sign of skin cancer.
How Does PDT Work?
A clear, painless solution of a photosensitizing agent called ALA or Levulan is applied to the skin. Approximately 30 to 60 minutes later the solution is activated by specific wavelengths of intense light. This effect activates the porphyrins in the bacteria resulting in a photodynamic effect killing bacteria as well as abnormal cells, while leaving healthy skin unharmed.
What Is The Treatment Like And How Many Are Needed?
Treatment is performed at your doctor’s office and takes about one hour. A topical anesthesia is applied for patients with sensitive skin prior to the procedure. Treatments are typically spaced in two to three week intervals, although the actual number of treatments, treatment time, and treatment intervals will vary depending on your condition.
What Is Recovery Like?
After treatment, your pain level should be minimal to nonexistent and you may resume your normal activities immediately. The skin may appear flushed, brown spots may appear darker and tiny veins may be more visible. This will decrease over the next several hours.
What Are The Results And Benefits I Can Expect?
After each treatment, you will experience improvement in skin tone and texture. You will notice a decrease in the overall redness and flushing. Sunspots will fade and pore sizes will shrink. Fine lines and wrinkles will gradually decrease in size as new collagen forms beneath the skin. These improvements will continue to increase after each treatment ultimately providing you with smoother, healthier, younger-looking skin.
